Pornographic Images, Social Abuse & Bullying Found On Social Sites

.... and you thought bullying was restricted to school and playground only. Welcome to the digital era where teens are being bullied and subjected to social abuse on the internet. A study of two of the most frequented social sites MySpace and Bebo by a UK based company Computing Which found pornographic images, evidence of bullying and also inappropriate advertisements on the sites.

As per a recent article posted on BBC News, researchers found a "sinister" side of the social sites and found out that accounts could be created with relative ease and no age check was mandated to make sure the person creating the account was as old as was being projected.

Researchers also found that the sites did not enforce any privacy restrictions and relied only on users reporting any kind of abuse.

Lesson Learnt: Keep an eye on that MySpace or Bebo or any other social networking site account of your kids. You as parents have a right to know their password and make sure you log on to the account frequently to see who they interact with. Also, as parents make sure the computer being used by your teen is kept in a public area of your home, so that you can keep an eye on the happenings.



Anonymous said...

What you have said is very right. As you have mentioned, we can post a photograph taken sideways.

The public have to be very cautious while putting their photo in the site, but the onus lies both with the jobsite & the registered member.

For eg., Bharat Matrimony has an option to restrict others from viewing your photo. If you receive a proposal, then you can give access for them to view your photo.

Also there is a system to verify the authenticity of every member

Similar modus operandi is done by other prominent sites such as also