Internet Superheros

Kids will be kids, no matter what adults tell them. Call it peer pressure, curiosity or just plane ignorance, they are bound to tread where no child or teen should be treading to begin with.

So how do you make them understand not to go where danger lurks? Do you make them sit in the corner? Ban their access to the computer? Watch them like a hawk? Have a decent conversation with them and try and explain things in their language? Nope...

You let the people who matter to them do the talking for you. Yes, the people who matter to kids and teens and no its not you or your uncles, aunts, friends or parents...

... its the super heros.


... let Spiderman or The Hulk or X-Men or Spider Girl or Daredevil or Fantastic Four do the talking for you and I bet you, kids will listen.

This is exactly what the Internet Super Heros do. Internet Super Heros is a website dedicated to providing guidance to the younger generation. It is an excellent site that uses Marvels Super Heroes to impart knowledge about the internet and the dangers that lurk in the dark alleys.

Must visit site for all.

Read: Internet Super Heros

Lesson Learnt: Impart education to kids and teens in the way they understand by the people they listen to.


Ligurien said...

I guess kids will love such an interpretation :)
Internet+Superheros = interesting combination.

Domain registration india said...

Interesting post and beautiful combination.

buy indian domain said...

This is the best way to attract kids. Surely kids like this even adults. Great work.

Knowledge said...

Great idea