Data Discrimination By Comcast

If you live in the United States, I am sure you use Comcast as your cable provider and / or high speed internet provider. Forgetting the fact that Comcast Customer Service sucks and that their technicians sleep on the job on customers couches, now comes news that Comcast discriminates on what data gets transmitted on their bandwidth and what does not. So basically Comcast is discriminating against data transmission.

As per Peter Svensson from AP:

"Comcast Corp. actively interferes with attempts by some of its high-speed Internet subscribers to share files online, a move that runs counter to the tradition of treating all types of Net traffic equally."

So what does that mean for the general user?

This means that when you share big files (movies, music, pictures or any big file) with friends and families, Comcast basically decides what gets transmitted first; your big file or someone's small file or Comcast might just block your transmission all together.

Read: Comcast blocks some Internet traffic.

Lesson Learnt: Comcast needs to adhere to Net Neutrality


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